Monday, December 10, 2012

Semester 2 goals

Dream Factory
Born To Run
Lord of the Flies

   These are all book I have read in first semester. I feel that my reading pallet is really limited to chick-lit, besides the book my dad made me read (Born to Run). I tend to like non fiction girly books because they give me a story I can relate to. For second semester I want to read so more fiction hopefully. I like the ocasionall fiction book I just could never read all fiction.
   During second semester I am going to read a book about math mr. John gave me. He has been nagging me to read it forever so I am going to set this as my goal so I can hopefully get it read by finals.

Survival ch. 11 focus

    In chapter 11 Ralph loses what minimum control he has left of some boys and Piggy is killed by Jack, Roger, and the tribe.Ralph doesn't have anything to say while the tribe is stoning piggy to death because he personally doesn't want to be stoned to death. Which is understandable but sad because piggy got him through most of the assemblies by helping out with his leadership role.
   With Ralph dead, there is no more education or civilization left on the island. Piggy symbolized being civil and with him gone there is none left. Piggy was smart and helped Ralph lead the island. Now Ralph is all alone on leading the island because everyone likes to do what Jack and the "tribe" do.

Monday, December 3, 2012

reading times

Lord of the Flies
11/30- 120 minutes (page 95-168)

Science Textbook
12/1- 30 minutes (250-255)