Sunday, August 19, 2012

_In Defense of Food_ response

     The book In Defense of Food was not particularly my style of reading. The book was very informational which is good, but it didn't have something that the readers could connect to that would make them want to read more. I like books that I can relate to, so thats why I dint like In Defense of Food. Honestly I dreaded reading this book, but it made me realize that natural food is the best type of food for you. Natural food is better than vitamins, and its way better than processed food. 
     This book is good for school lunch programs, because like Episcopal most schools are focussing on healthier lunches for their students. I know Episcopal has put forth a great effort with this, like changing from white bread to wheat bread, processed to fresh, and getting Chef Pat has taken out most of the processed stuff out of our lunches. In Defense of Food mainly focusses on the western diet, what it consists of and how it affects people. The way we are producing food today is all about producing more of it faster. This is really taking the nutrients out of the natural foods. For example you would have to eat about 5 apples today to get the same nutrients that an apple had 10 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything you said there. I am also happy that Episcopal is trying, and succeeding at being a healthy school. I also agree with you about the book, it was very informational and had a lot of facts about it, which is good, but it gets very hard to read. However in the third section of the book it got easier to read. The author tied everything together, which made it easier to understand.
