Im just going to say this book is beneficial in many ways. This book should be on the syllabus for next years 9th grade. The freshman should read this book for a lot of reasons
For one example this book makes you think about what you have. You also become thankful for the type of community you live in and the family you live with. The people who will read this book get an understanding for the real struggle some people go through. Could you imagine not growing up with an education? Could you imagine not living with your family?
I know that these questions are hard for me to wrap my head around because I couldn't imagine this. It would be so hard to live like Tambu and Nyasha. This book makes it known that these struggles are real.
After reading this book I really understood why my parents tell me I'm so thankful. Now when I go home I get a since of why life is so important and everyday you should be thankful.
This book made me feel pretty thankful, too. You don't really think about how lucky you are until you realize what some other people have to go through.