Tuesday, September 4, 2012

_Dream Factory_ response #2

      Over the so called break I tried to enjoy my book, Dream Factory. As some of you may know my house is not the quietest and best place to settle down and get caught up in a book. Most of the time there are children running back and forth down the halls and my mother is running after them with a distinct visage warning them to stop. Most of the time they don't listen. Even though there is a great amount of chaos in my house I manage to get the reading requirement done.
     In Dream Factory to boys are upset because they were left out of the Cinderellabration. This makes me realize that people get left out of things all the time. It also hurts peoples feelings. Boys and Girls are age need to be aware of who they are leaving out of a certain situation. If they're not careful it could really upset someone.

8/30- 45 min (pages 63-90)
9/2- 60 min (pages 90-134)
9/3- 35 min (pages 134- 153)


  1. I like the description of your reading envoirment- that adds a little more depth. I am also, intrested to hear nmore about this book, it sounds really good. What did you think about it?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
