Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Cross Country Nightmare

     When I started running in 7th grade It was fun. I actually enjoyed practices. I would get a little nervous for meets but it was still fun.
    In my first meet I got second. My dad freaked out, he was so proud of me. Then the pressure started and I hate pressure. I would get second in every race and the pressure would get more intense. The next season was 8th grade and it was ridiculously intense. I was expected to do good, but i wasn't really following through. My dad was getting really aggravating he was putting so much pressure on me. He would get mad at me and say that I was not trying my hardest. In actuality I was burning out.
    The last race I ran with the varsity and we ran 3 miles. I beat a couple of the girls going to state, and for the first time in a while running felt good. I should have gone to state, but I honestly didn't want to. All that pressure would have torn me apart.


  1. Nice descriptions. I can really see your progression from loving running to hating it. Maybe it would have been better to just let your dad know he was putting too much pressure on you? Anyway, good job.

  2. I really like how descriptive you are in this. Tyler, from what I know I think your dad would have under stood where you were coming from with the pressure he was putting on you, so maybe just try to talk to him next time, or even your mom and tell her what was going on.
